Brings out the essence of things.
I like how it tastes like, and I’d like to think that it represents fun, health, joy, creativity, surprise, passion, endearment, kinKYness, wealth; sugar, spice and everything nice(pardon me, stolen ingredients from the PPG).
banana that is smoked should smells contemporary + sexy. I imagined.
So, my Einstein equation:
Smoked {essense} + Bannana {good rod} = Perfect
The extra "n" in banana is an aesthetic value in the sense of typography to me.
I wanted a space to share all the things I like, all the things that I think are beautiful and could bring joy & inspiration to any interests-alike people in the world(do I not sound like a savior? I once hoped to be a cheerleader). A place for me to show what I can do in my expertise may be.(that's why it's called "Window" shopping: shop via browser window)
I’m quite a private person at times. May be I’ve grown up more and have become more protective of my privacy. But at the same time, I wish to share things that I wish to show, I mean, I want to be seen and I don’t want to be seen. Get it? You get it. Thank you.
Additionally, I was excited and kind of troubled of how the blog design should be. The “perfectionism” part conquers me again. I think, sometimes, I lose the likely-precious experience in the process of being too perfect. Mess is art too sometimes(art is what you can always get away with~ Andy Warhol says!). But at times, I could be very spontaneous too without thinking much(eg: eating). How a person I am, sometimes I think I’m “overloaded” and sometimes I think I’m just “empty”.
There are a few sections in this blog, I wish to share every beautiful thing that I came across in the virtual world or thoughts that I want to let known.
Music is inherited in my gene and it stirs inspiration.(how cliché, since everyone says "Music Is My Life" since stone age) How do I know? Try this yourself: write something about yourself WITHOUT listening to music, and then write it again white listening to your favorite music. I find that music makes me more spontaneous and "courageous". hmm... everybody dreams about being a singer nowadays, but not everybody can sing. Even if everybody can sing, not everybody can sing well(nagging is a type of singing). Even if everybody can sing well(I doubt), not everybody have the 1 in the zillion opportunity to be heard by the most influential record labels/artist managements.
I'd like to think of myself as somebody who's not so heard yet. =D
Besides the big talk about music, I like capturing stuffs as well as be self-captured. I think photograph is one of the best memory storage methods. Memory itself sometimes is not that reliable. Co-incidentally, most of my relatives are into the photography tool industry. But I think it does not influence me in that way whatsoever.
Having experience in the photography industry does not make me a pro(yet), but it indeed opens up a lot of windows. Being able to meet beaauuutiful models and skillful photographers at work does not make my life more glamor in any sense. I get a lot of this "I like your job!!!". They gotta have *8 legs, *6 hands, *4 pairs of eyes, *a lot of lips, and may be *10 brains to do multiple things at one time in order to "like the job"(*numbers are not absolute). May be some like the job title better than the job description. To me, the more valuable one is the experience I get and the things I learn from it, not the title that might sometimes mislead people in thinking that I have such a glamorous job. Nothing is glamorous unless you make it one or you are one.(clears throat and scratches head)
I recently has watched Matrix(re-watched the complete series), inspires me in some way. Movies are strange, sometimes I just don’t get it for the first time, watching it the second time brings me so much closer. Seeing myself doing so many things using machines, I feel insecure. Some part of me secretly hopes that it's real, so that I could hope for someone who clips shades on the nose bridge to unplug me to the real red pill world.
I actually intended a short intro, guess I'll settle it with another "compressed" about-me post. This is just merely another spontaneous
P/s: Though I think no one would care to read this, if you happen to spend your precious time on this so called “the magnificent" intro post, thank you very much and have a fruitful day! (you must have been very patient)
//who says it doesn't sound right to suck a banana?//

//banana drinks packaging by Naoto Fukasawa • Plusminuszero//
I think you might love me.
0 {words on steamed glass•蒸气镜上的字迹}:
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