Black, white and red is always my "less is more" never-go-wrong color combination.
I personally think that these series are inspired by picnic(the check pattern?), outdoor flowers and definitely Japanese zen(black & red). With a touch of the interesting origami from the Japanese culture.

Print commercial piece

The origami style. Love the shoes~

I absolutely love the fabric pattern.

highlight: belt

Gent style

less is more.


Sevigny- comes in Gold too. Bold, contemporary and edgy. I always have a special fond of shoe design like this due to the thick strap on the front of ankle holds the leg in a way that makes the walking carefree.

The golden Sevigny, found that Nine West sort of have a similar design like this called Olavera.

Another Sevigny, my most favorite from the favorite bunch =)

Newton- very tastefully made. The white rim beautify the curves of the whole look. Schweet~
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