This was designed by him for Balenciaga 07 f/w collection.

It catches my attention a lot when it's first shown on some website back to some time ago, and lately it's as if I found more and more eye candy that would make me mumble "OMG" throughout my browsing times.
To make it short, he designs shoes for Balenciaga, Hermes, and Gap too! Reading about his bio is a very good example of "the more I learn, the less I know". As usual, I did quite a bit of research on him and I admire the fact that he often draws on art and architecture for his source ideas. The marriages of both disciplines found in fashion/graphic design always enlighten me. And often, I always think that good designs should not be crafted in a standard manner, creative explorations and a good art sense are essential in every heart winning goodies.
Here are the latest design which I like.

I'm crazy about his works~
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