Cotton candy making can never be more convenient than using this user-friendly machine, Ame no Wataame (Cotton Candy from Candy) that turns any hard candy into flossy sweets. Simply drop 1 or mix various hard candies of compatible size into the top loader, turn the lever and the candies are ready to be heated. Next, use any long shape thingy(chopsticks for example) and you know what to do to begin making your cheap but nice indulgence.
No fuss of getting the special ingredient for making ordinary cotton candy, you can now have multi flavored candy of your choice in a cotton candy form, how sweet! omg! Sinful mind is getting charged up! Cotton candy that tastes like caramel... a little tip, stab some fruits(like banana?) with a fork and use the fork as the cotton candy holder intead. ummm...

//IF you understand Japanese//

1 {words on steamed glass•蒸气镜上的字迹}:
i feel that...this cotton candy thing is so bloody convenient. it makes a very memorable christmas gift. *hint*
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